Pond NovAqua® - 5 gallon

Pond NovAqua® - 5 gallon

Kordon NovAqua Pond is a unique combination of chemical compounds and inorganic salts that produce highly desirable effects in freshwater pond systems. It provides a protective colloid coating on the fish's body during injury. It utilizes a unique system for supplying fishes with a protective synthetic film "slime coating" which forms rapidly on damaged areas. The action of this coat provides a barrier against serious loss of internal fluids and electrolytes and protects damaged areas of the body against external toxins and disease causing organisms. NovAqua Pond neutralizes chlorine, iodine and chloramines, buffers pond water, detoxifies heavy metals, increases available electrolytes and reduces toxicity of nitrite. Instructions: Shake well before using. Add 1 2/3 oz. per 100 gallons of water or 1 capful per 8 gallons of water. Size: 5 gallons case qty-1

Price: $303.99
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