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Pond Bridges

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Pond Bridges

Pond BridgesPond bridges are aesthetically pleasing and can be used as a place to relax and admire your gorgeous new pond. A pond bridge can range anywhere from an intricate custom designed cedar bridge to a simple bridge made of several pieces of plywood placed from one side of the pond to the other.

Bridges can be made of metal, cedar, pine, redwood, or other materials. They can be big or small, or have railings. They can be simple and natural looking or have a more modern feel. With such a large selection it is easy to find a bridge that fits the style of your pond.

Larger bridges can also serve as a way to stop and enjoy your pond life or to listen to the sound of running water as it trickles down your waterfall. A bridge is a great addition to a water garden with exotic fish or animals. A bridge is a popular choice for many Koi ponds so that guests can look over and view the stunning fish.

The only thing to remember when purchasing a pond bridge is to make sure you have enough room on either side of your pond for the bridge to rest. You shouldn’t need more then a few feet. This is also something to take into consideration when building your pond.

Adding a bridge will add hours of enjoyment to your pond. So get creative with it and have some fun. A pond bridge is a great pond accessory!

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