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Farm pond filters
Farm pond filters
here to see our selection of Farm pond filters.
Farm pond filters,
just as all pond filters, come in 4 categories: mechanical filtration,
bio-filtration, surface skimming, and vegetable filtration. All farm
ponds should include a bio-filtration system which is basically allowing
the nitrogen cycle to work to keep your fish and plants healthy. Include
a biological medium such as gravel or rocks. The waste from your fish
will cling to the rocks where ammonia-eating bacteria will change the
waste into nitrates that are healthy for the plants.
Another farm pond filter that should be used is a mechanical filter.
In our world today, a biological filter is, sometimes, not enough to
keep a pond clean. A mechanical farm pond filter can step in and takeover
and do what biological filters can’t do. There are a variety of
mechanical filters that can be used, and personal research should be
done to determine which mechanical farm pond filters are best for your