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Garden fountains and ponds
Garden fountains and ponds
here to see our selection of Garden fountains and ponds.
When garden
fountains and ponds work together, it is called a submerged water
filtration system, or a floating garden fountain. The fountain appears
to be floating, but the water filtration and pump are really just submerged
below the surface, spraying up a fountain of water out of the pond.
This garden fountain and pond filtration system helps to keep the pond
free of algae and decaying waste, while adding a beautiful element to
your pond.
Garden fountains and ponds can also be used separately and are a joy
to water lovers everywhere. Garden fountains are numerous in design,
materials, and styles. The same can be said for different types of ponds.
The size, shape, depth, and materials you add to the pond all go to
make each backyard garden fountain and pond unique.