> Learning Center > Indoor Koi Ponds
Indoor Koi Ponds
here to see our selection of Indoor Koi Ponds.
Koi ponds, while beautiful, create some problems. An indoor pond
does not have natural sunlight, which is what gives Koi their spectacular
color. Your Koi will need to receive as much natural sunlight as possible
so placing your Koi pond near a skylight or any place that receives
a large amount of sunlight is preferred. When all else fails, metal
halide lamps or fluorescent lights can be used as another source of
Indoor Koi ponds can also develop a funky smell so make sure you have
a good pump and filter and that you change the water frequently -- weekly
for highly populated, large ponds, and bi-weekly for smaller, less populated
ponds. If you still are experiencing a strong odor then it is probably
a sign that the water in your pond needs to be changed more frequently.
Having a black rubber lining will make your Koi pop. The rich colors
of the fish against the black background is really beautiful.
There is one advantage to having an indoor Koi pond and it is that you
will not need to purchase a heater. The temperature inside a home is
generally warm enough for Koi to survive.