Planting pond
plants is one of the more enjoyable tasks of creating a pond.
Planting pond plant techniques are simple and fun. First, let’s
talk about the kinds of aquatic plants that you will be using: submerged
and floating oxygenator pond plants. Simply put, submerged pond plants
are plants under the water, and floating pond plants are plants that
grow on top of the water.
Some types of submerged pond plants that you can use for your pond
are Anacharis, Vallisneria, Hornwort, and Red Ludwigia. It is vital
for the health of your pond ecosystem to have at least one or two
of these kinds of submerged plants. Planting submerged pond plants
is simple: you plant the roots in the biological medium (such as gravel
or foam) at the bottom of the pond. Planting pond plants with this
technique will ensure success with your submerged pond plants.
Planting floating pond plants is even simpler. You simply lay the
plant on top of the water and you’re done. Some types of floating
plants are Water Lilies, Parrots Feather, Water Hyacinths, and Water
Lettuce. These are beautiful plants that add a lot to any pond. So,
again, planting pond plants is an easy and fun task. Enjoy it!