Pond accessories
can add a fun or elegant touch to your pond depending on your taste
and personal style. Some pond accessories that you might consider
are lighting, waterfalls, fountains, plastic animals, and plants that
grow around the pond. We’ll be focusing on just a few of these
pond accessories.
Lighting is a great pond accessory. The lights that are available
for ponds and gardens now are just as varied as the personalities
of the owners. Some people don’t want to add to their utility
bills, but if you use solar pond lights, you won’t add a penny
to your bill. There are some wonderful solar pond lights that are
in the shape of lilies with a warm yellow and red glow. In a garden
party, these will bring a whimsical and fun touch to your pond.
If you want to add elegant pond accessories, the waterfall or fountain
are excellent choices. Both can be achieved with a pump that attaches
the head of the fountain or waterfall to the end of the hose. The
gentle murmur of a cascading waterfall or the exquisite spray of a
fountain are sure to be impressive in any pond. There are many other
types of pond accessories available and you are limited only by your
creative imagination.