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Pond design

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Pond design

Pond design
There are three main things that you must consider in your pond design: fish, aquatic plants, and pond décor. It is possible to have a completely unique and fabulous pond design if you pay attention to the three abovementioned considerations.

First of all, you must decide if your pond design will include fish. Keeping fish healthy and alive can be a bit of a challenge, but the beauty and natural quality that they add can make it all worth it. Realize that if you add fish to your pond, you are also going to have to add other things, too – fish food, water treatment chemicals, filters, and pumps, etc. Of course, some of these things (except for the fish food) should be added to a non-fish pond. But with a fish pond, you will have to more heavily monitor them.

Your pond design should most definitely include aquatic plants, especially if you have fish. Aquatic plants can help oxygenate the water and provide hiding places for fish. When choosing your aquatic plants, feel free to get a variety – mix it up between real and fake plants. Find a balance between submerged plants and bog plants, and plants planted around your pond. Note that some types of plants can be difficult to keep alive during cold winter months, and you must either take them inside to care for them or buy new plants the next season. Talk with nursery or pond personnel to find the best plants for your climate.

And to really set your pond design apart from the design of other ponds, you need to choose some forms of pond décor. Pond décor ranges from waterfalls to fountains to spitters to floating lights and underwater lights to statues and more. You can really make your pond design reflect your own personality when choosing your pond décor. Do not be afraid to take a chance and include a strange or provocative statue in the middle of your pond or fun colored lights!


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