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Pondmaster pond filters
Pondmaster pond filters
here to see our selection of Pondmaster pond filters.
Pondmaster pond
filters come in a wide selection. The filter that is right for your
pond depends on how many gallons your pond holds. Fortunately, Pondmaster
pond filters are available in models that are suitable for small to
medium ponds, as well as models that are suitable for 3000 to 4000 gallon
ponds, and everything in between.
To make sure that you order the right one, first know how many gallons
your pond holds. If you are unsure (for instance, if you just moved
into a house with a pond or if you did not use a preformed pond liner),
follow this math equation:
length X width X depth X 6.23 = gallons
However, keep in mind that ponds are generally irregularly shaped –
therefore this equation will give you only a rough estimate of your
pond’s volume. Fortunately, even a rough estimate will greatly
help you decide which Pondmaster pond filter is best for your pond.
Once you know about how many gallons your pond holds, you need only
to check out the variety of Pondmaster pond filters available to you.
Each filter should be labeled with which size pond it is most suitable