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Pond water
Pond water
here to see our selection of Pond water.
wants to have green pond water: it’s the sign of an imbalance
between nutrients and beneficial bacteria. When you have too many nutrients
in your pond water, algae can feed off of it and grow, creating the
unhealthy “green” that you do not want.
Here is how to keep your pond water clean and clear:
- Clear away leaves and other debris –
cover your pond with netting during the autumn so that leaves can
never enter. Use a pond skimmer to clear away floating debris. Use
a pond vacuum to clear away the debris on the bottom of your pond.
- Add beneficial bacteria – not all bacteria
is bad. In fact, some bacteria will help break down excess nutrients
and fish waste. They can also improve dissolved oxygen levels in your
pond water and more.
- Get rid of some fish – if you have
too many fish, they can wreck havoc on the quality of your pond water.
- Filter – be sure to clean/replace dirty
filters. Also, consider getting a larger one.
You can be sure that your green pond water will start to clear up if
you follow the abovementioned tips. Good luck!